It is a common MYTH that only
4-H’ers can exhibit at the Henry County Fair. NOT TRUE! In reality there are
three divisions at the fair: the 4-H fair, which I will discuss at greater
length in another post, is just one.
The other two divisions are called Open and Junior
Open. The Open is for people of the world ages eight and up! The Junior Open is
for people of the world who are less than 19 but older than eight as of
September 1, 2013.
The only difference is that 4-H’er has the opportunity
to participate in all three divisions. People under 19 years of age may
participate in only two divisions and us old folks over 19 in only one. All the
information you need to know about the fair is in the fair book.
There are many different departments (areas) in which
to exhibit. Livestock is the most well-known. Cattle, hogs,
horses, and sheep are shown throughout the week at the fair. But there are
other lesser known departments also, such as Baking, Textiles, Floriculture,
Hobbies, Antiques, and Fine Arts.
To exhibit at the fair you must fill out an entry form
found in the fair book and will be online at
There will be an entry fee for each item exhibited. In addition, you will also
be required to purchase an exhibitor’s pass, which will allow unlimited gate
entry for the entire week.