Thursday, June 5, 2014

Meet Chelsea

Chelsea Vyncke competes in the ridden trail pattern
during the 2013 Equestrian Ambassador Contest
Chelsea Vyncke of Orion was crowned runner-up in 2012 for the Henry County Equestrian Ambassador contest, she ran again in 2013 and received the title of Henry County Equestrian Ambassador. "I have had a wonderful year of visiting with many people, attending equestrian-related functions, meeting new friends, and educating people about horses, as well as my title" she says of her experience. She first started showing horses in fun shows but in 2009 started showing horses for 4-H and has loved it ever since.

The preparation begins with practices scheduled in April with contestants riding their horses for an hour and then work on the halter. The preparation continues up until fair week, "the week before the show, I clean up my tack and get everything ready I will need for my horse and myself, the day before the show is spent tying up loose ends to prepare for the show, such as packing the trailer and bathing my horse." Her favorite part about showing horses is the friendships she has gained. "I have gained many life-long friends through 4-H and horse showing. I enjoy going to shows and competing against people I know, it makes the shows more fun" she says.

A typical day for Chelsea last year as an ambassador would start about mid-morning, with the exception of the horse show. She spent fair week preparing for and competing in the Equestrian Ambassador contest, attending the harness races, talent show and other grandstand events. Her 4-H club also worked the food stand and helping other 4-H competitors get their horse settled in the horse barn, and helping with the speed horse show and handing out awards during the 4-H fun show.

Chelsea Vyncke (left) with Miss Rodeo 2013 Cassandra Spivey,
at her send off party for Miss Rodeo America
One of her favorite memories is when she helped Miss Rodeo Illinois, Cassandra Spivey, with her coronation and send-off party for Miss Rodeo America. She has had the opportunity to meet famous horsemen such as Sharon Camarillo and Al Dunning and also meet famous trainers such as Chris Cox.
To Chelsea the Henry County Fair is special because of that "home town" feeling. "I've met many of my friends through the fair, and I know I have gained many life-long friends. It's a great fair with something for everyone."

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