Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Meet Darren

Darren with his car that he will compete in the
2014 Henry County Fair
The demolition derby is a family tradition in the Hutchinson household. Darren's father, Darrell, participated in the demo derby for 18 years. This fueled Darren's interest to one day participate in the derby and when his father stopped competing, Darren then took the wheel and has been participating for 19 years in the demo derby. Darren has won a few demo derby's at multiple fair in the year's he has participated.  
"When I was young my dad did it back in the day and I've always enjoyed it" says Darren. 
Safety has changed in the last 25 years of the demolition derby but also the availability of the cars. "The cars aren't as available as they used to be, there hard to find" says Darren.
Another big component of the demo derby that has changed is the number of competitors. Darren mentioned that when Darrell competed there used to be 100+ cars in a class that would come to the  Henry County Fair. Now if the demolition derby gets 20 in a class it's a pretty decent turn out. 
What makes the Henry County Fair special for Darren is that "hometown feeling." 
Darren will compete in the Open Wire Class at this
year's Henry County Fair
"It's a fun time of the year. My parents took me when I was really little and it's always something I look forward too" says Darren, "I always like doing the demo derby to support the hometown fair."
Darren will compete in the Open Wire Class this Saturday, his father will be in the stands cheering him on.
"He enjoys it, every year he comes to watch the derby" says Darren.

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